The Meaning and Calibration Methods with High-value Standard Resistor Voltage Coefficient 高值标准电阻器电压系数的意义及其校准方法
Four-terminal standard resistor Back-end Design and Verification of Floating-point Calculator 四端(钮)标准电阻器浮点数值计算器FPU的后端设计及验证
These R-MOSFET-C filters, implemented in a standard CMOS process, utilize the linearized model behavior of anMOS transistor operating in the triode region instead of a passive resistor. 这些滤波器用标准的CMOS工艺实现,利用工作在线性区的MOS管来替代无源电阻。
Discussion on Two Methods for the Verification of DC Standard Resistor 对直流标准电阻两种检定方法的探讨
Development of Intelligent Active High-power Direct Current Standard Resistor Box 高精度智能型有源大功率直流标准电阻器的研制
This paper introduces a digital and intelligent active direct current resistor box, which calibrates various direct current resistance measurement devices substituting conventional standard resistor box. 介绍了一种取代传统标准电阻箱的数字化智能有源直流标准电阻器,它由标准电阻与有源电路箱组成,用于对各种类型的直流电阻测量仪进行校验。
The calculated results show that the formula is suitable as approximate resistance-temperature formula of standard resistors in case of the temperature of standard resistor being far away from 20 ℃. 对实验数据计算的结果表明,在偏离20℃较大的温域内,该式适于作标准电阻的温度公式。
The analysis of the leakage inductance, which influences the transform of AC/ DCquantum Hall resistance standard, is indispensable in building the AC quantum Hall resistance standard which based on the AC calculable resistor standard. 本工作完成了交直流电阻标准转换中电感这一影响因素的分析,它是以直流电阻标准为基础来建立交流标准工作中不可缺少的一部分。
According to the recommendation of CIPM, the Quantum Hall Resistance ( QHR) standard has been used worldwide since January 1 st of 1990 to replace the traditional resistor standard, which had been maintained for several decades. 国际计量委员会推荐,1990年1月1日起在世界范围内启用量子化霍尔电阻标准代替使用了几十年的电阻实物基准。
Develop for Low Temperature Coefficient Standard Resistor 低温度系数标准电阻器的研制
Study on Standard Resistor with Small Size and High Reliability 高可靠微型标准电阻器的研制
A Portable Precision Enclosure with High Temperature Homogeneity for the Standard Resistor The accuracy is compared with standard resistor. 电阻传递标准用可携式高精度空气控温箱比较各测试仪采用不同测量法现场测得的接地电阻值。
Studies indicated that due to the excellent isothermal characteristics of heat pipes, the temperature stability of the standard resistor was significantly improved. 研究表明:由于热管优良的等温特性,标准电阻温度的稳定性显著提高。